Sunday, October 20, 2013


President Budge (my mission president) trained us to expect miracles. Well I am really learning to do that and we are seeing so many! It is getting to the point where we make a goal not knowing how it will be accomplished and then we just pray and get to work. Then guess what? It happens! 
Miracles are so real. They are usually simple too. It is getting to the point where I feel like we are almost scheduling in a miracle. It is amazing to see.
We invited 4 investigators to come to the church for General Conference and they did! For 3 of them it was the first time at church and they all loved it. One even told us that "If you didn't recognize that this is true you are pitiful." (かわいそう) !!! Crazy right? It is great to see many people recognize the truth and power that we have to give them. True a lot of people tell us politely no on the streets and on the phone, but some of them are really getting it!
Riding to an appointment (Shimai: Hubner, Orton, Jensen)
Rural portion of our area (Niigata)

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